knoxville botanical gardens engagement pictures

Knoxville Summer Engagement Pictures at the Botanical Gardens

Summer engagement pictures at the Botanical Gardens are one of my favorites especially when the couple is young and in love! Knoxville Botanical Gardens is also a gorgeous place for pictures, because there are so many spots to choose from!

I have taken plenty of pictures at the gardens before but nothing quite like this for Makayla and William.

Makayla and William make me smile, because their joy is contagious! Their love for one another is precious and it shows!

I first met Makayla in high school when we attended the same Private School in Knoxville, TN. And funny enough William is the cousin of one of my friends from my childhood church; it is a small world for sure! 

I was so excited when Makayla asked me to be her Wedding photographer. Knowing them individually beforehand made me more excited to know them as a couple!

I knew their summer engagement pictures would be one of my favorites because their colors were right up my alley! I love the soft cool color palette and it goes perfect with my branding as well! These two held hands pretty much the entire time which made their session feel very romantic. They even brought their sweet kitten Ellie with them, she did so well and her pretty eyes matched perfectly with their color scheme!

We explored Knoxville Botanical Gardens for an hour and each image I took I kept obsessing over and saying, “You two are so adorable!” and they really are! I asked Makayla if there was a song that meant the most to their relationship and she said “We don’t really have a song but when I hear this song by Justin Bieber it always reminds me of our relationship.” So at the end I surprised them and played “Anyone” by Justin Bieber and they danced together to end the night! To say it was romantic is an understatement.

I am a Knoxville photographer capturing authentic memories world wide! Click here to contact me with any questions you have about pricing or booking! If you liked what you saw above, go ahead and follow me on Instagram to see my daily updates of my latest sessions

Knoxville Summer Engagement Pictures at the Botanical Gardens


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Alaina René Photography is a wedding photographer and mentor that proudly serves clients in Tampa Florida and World wide.
